The report is a summary of the most important trends in creating sustainable cities and buildings using modern technologies.

What are smart cities? How will new technologies affect buildings, housing estates and entire districts? What will life, work and housing of the future look like? You will learn everything in the report "Innovative cities".

The report "Innovative Cities" is a guide to innovations implemented in cities and buildings:

  • We are looking at fourth-generation smart cities that use innovations to solve real problems of their residents - at the social, environmental or city management level.
  • We explore the latest building, proptech and contech solutions that affect the quality of life in buildings, improve the construction process or property management.
  • It is an intersectoral publication that combines the perspective of local governments, investors, developers, designers, technology companies and residents in one place. We invite you to read.

Publication was created by the ThinkCo team. Publication's strategic partners include CIC Warsaw, Otodom and Warexpo.

RAPORT Innowacyjne Miasta

Innovations in real estate

  • Under the slogan proptech (real estate technologies), there are any devices, systems and solutions that use innovations to optimize the processes used at the stage of investment, planning, construction, rental and sale, as well as the subsequent management of the existing space.
  • The global smart home market is estimated to grow from over $91 billion in 2022 to $205 billion in 2026
  • The value of the smart office market was estimated at USD 33.5 billion in 2020 and is expected to double by 2026.
  • In 2021, global retail technology finance deals increased more than 100% year-on-year to over $109 billion.
  • The revenues of the global market for smart logistics solutions were valued at USD 30.6 billion in 2022 and are expected to increase to USD 201 billion by the end of 2032.

RAPORT Innowacyjne Miasta

Smart Cities

  • The value of the global market for smart city solutions is over USD 1.2 trillion. It is expected to grow by approximately 24.1% annually in the coming years and reach over $7 trillion by the end of the decade.
  • Smart solutions are the answer to various challenges faced by modern cities. Some of them are global, such as social inequalities and environmental threats, others are local, such as the aging of the population or spatial chaos in Poland.
  • Polish cities occupy distant places in the global rankings of smart cities, but more and more centers, including even small towns, use various solutions, e.g. in the field of mobility, resource management and digitization.
  • The rapid development of technology also brings potential problems related to data turnover and privacy, dependence of cities and companies on technological partners or lack of digital skills among residents and officials.

RAPORT Innowacyjne Miasta

What people think

  • Respondents in the survey conducted by ThinkCo and Otodom most often indicate that a modern city should be characterized by good quality and affordable housing, efficient public transport and care for the environment.
  • Smart technologies are not considered standard home furnishings. There can be many reasons for this situation - from fear of excessive financial burden to distrust of innovation. When asked about modern buildings and flats, every fourth person answered “I am not interested in such solutions”.
  • The most frequently indicated benefits that could encourage investing in modern solutions at home include greater convenience of use, increased privacy and long-term financial savings.

Download the free report "Innovative cities - ife and work of tomorrow"

Raport Innowacyjne miasta_partnerzy strategicznie

Raport “Innowacyjne miasta - życie, praca i mieszkanie jutra.” stanowi podsumowanie najważniejszych trendów w tworzeniu zrównoważonych miast i budynków za pomocą nowoczesnych technologii.

What are smart cities? How will new technologies affect buildings, housing estates and entire districts? What will life, work and housing of the future look like? You will learn everything in the report "Innovative cities".

RAPORT Innowacyjne Miasta

The report "Innovative Cities" is a guide to innovations implemented in cities and buildings:

  • We are looking at fourth-generation smart cities that use innovations to solve real problems of their residents - at the social, environmental or city management level.
  • We explore the latest building, proptech and contech solutions that affect the quality of life in buildings, improve the construction process or property management.
  • It is an intersectoral publication that combines the perspective of local governments, investors, developers, designers, technology companies and residents in one place. We invite you to read.

Publication was created by the ThinkCo team. Publication's strategic partners include CIC Warsaw, Otodom and Warexpo.

RAPORT Innowacyjne Miasta

Innovations in real estate

  • Under the slogan proptech (real estate technologies), there are any devices, systems and solutions that use innovations to optimize the processes used at the stage of investment, planning, construction, rental and sale, as well as the subsequent management of the existing space.
  • The global smart home market is estimated to grow from over $91 billion in 2022 to $205 billion in 2026
  • The value of the smart office market was estimated at USD 33.5 billion in 2020 and is expected to double by 2026.
  • In 2021, global retail technology finance deals increased more than 100% year-on-year to over $109 billion.
  • The revenues of the global market for smart logistics solutions were valued at USD 30.6 billion in 2022 and are expected to increase to USD 201 billion by the end of 2032.

RAPORT Innowacyjne Miasta

Smart Cities

  • The value of the global market for smart city solutions is over USD 1.2 trillion. It is expected to grow by approximately 24.1% annually in the coming years and reach over $7 trillion by the end of the decade.
  • Smart solutions are the answer to various challenges faced by modern cities. Some of them are global, such as social inequalities and environmental threats, others are local, such as the aging of the population or spatial chaos in Poland.
  • Polish cities occupy distant places in the global rankings of smart cities, but more and more centers, including even small towns, use various solutions, e.g. in the field of mobility, resource management and digitization.
  • The rapid development of technology also brings potential problems related to data turnover and privacy, dependence of cities and companies on technological partners or lack of digital skills among residents and officials.

RAPORT Innowacyjne Miasta

What people think

  • Respondents in the survey conducted by ThinkCo and Otodom most often indicate that a modern city should be characterized by good quality and affordable housing, efficient public transport and care for the environment.
  • Smart technologies are not considered standard home furnishings. There can be many reasons for this situation - from fear of excessive financial burden to distrust of innovation. When asked about modern buildings and flats, every fourth person answered “I am not interested in such solutions”.
  • The most frequently indicated benefits that could encourage investing in modern solutions at home include greater convenience of use, increased privacy and long-term financial savings.

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