Tworzymy najbardziej kompleksowe raporty na rynku. Jeden raport to efekt kilkumiesięcznej pracy zespołu ThinkCo i agregacji wiedzy ze wszystkich dostępnych źródeł. Dzięki temu nasze opracowania stanowią bezcenne źródło wiedzy dla inwestorów, deweloperów, samorządów, najemców czy instytucji finansowych.
The report Warehouses and ESG to kompendium wiedzy na temat odpowiedniego podejścia sektora logistycznego w wymiarze środowiskowym, społecznym i zarządczym.
The report Z wyższej półki to wielowymiarowy przegląd rynku mieszkań o podwyższonym standardzie i luksusowych.
Przyjazne Biura to raport weryfikujący dotychczasowe trendy w projektowaniu przestrzeni biurowych.
Najem 2030 to badanie i raport o przyszłości wynajmu mieszkań w Polsce. Zobacz jakie zmiany na rynku najmu przewidują eksperci.
The report is a comprehensive analysis of the impact of the circular economy on construction and a guide to renovations and adaptations of real estate.
The report is a summary of the most important trends in creating sustainable cities and buildings using modern technologies.
Detailed analysis of over 100 mixed-use projects from around the world. Benchmarks, lessons learned and the most interesting Polish investments.
It guides you step by step through the stages of PRS projects implementation - from the planning phase, through design and implementation, to facility management.
Key information and insights on sustainable development in the real estate market - the needs of companies and employees, ESG expectations and the challenges of the EU taxonomy.
In which Polish cities do we feel happiest? See the results of the ThinkCo and Otodom survey, where we measure the level of happiness in the city, district and the immediate vicinity.
Post-pandemic characteristics of workplaces. A report analyzing the impact of home-office, other socio-economic changes and potential directions of development of the office market.
A comprehensive guide to this segment of real estate market that highlights the factors behind the expected increase in the importance of institutional rental in Poland.
Comprehensive analysis of social expectations for good housing. The publication focuses on the timeless elements of high-quality housing.
What are the prospects for the private student housing market? The most extensive study in Poland carried out in cooperation with Golub GetHouse.
What is the current rental market like? What is worth paying attention to from the tenant and landlord? Publication of the Rental Market and Otodom Foundation
Coliving is a form of living where tenants share space, interests and values. Our report is a comprehensive analysis of this phenomenon.
Administrative processes can be complicated – this also applies to urban planning. Our guide explains these issues so they are easily understood.
The research of the CKNP market environment and the needs of potential operators was carried out at the request of the City of Warsaw.
We asked dozens of specialists about the most important changes and challenges that the real estate market in Poland will face in the coming years.
VUCA applies to the field of architecture and real estate. It is worth looking at how responsive environments respond to this issue.
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